Purposes of the Association
The Purposes of the Region are outlined below. BV recognises the Region, and within the Region Area, has delegated power to the Region to:
a) have the BV Regional Representatives (President and Secretary of each Region) present any Honours or Awards or carry out other duties at the request of BV from time to time;
(b) manage, promote and conduct bowls with Individual Members and Clubs within the Region in accordance with the directions or advice issued from BV from time to time;
(c) develop and maintain relationships with regional stakeholders including local government authorities, and other sporting associations;
(d) consider and deal with all matters submitted to it by a Club or an Individual Member within the Region Area;
(e) co-operate with other Regions and BV in any Sport related matters;
(f) conduct Region bowls events and functions in accordance with BV’s rules for competition;
(g) impose a fee or levy on Individual Members of Clubs or Clubs in the Region Area;
(h) promote the health and safety of Individual Members, officials and persons participating in the Sport in any capacity;
(i) pursue such commercial arrangements, including sponsorship and marketing opportunities, as are appropriate to further the purposes of the Region;
(j) promote the Sport and the development of Clubs and Individual Members within the Region Area;
(k) represent the interests of its Members and of the Sport generally in any appropriate forum;
(l) have regard to the public interest in its operations;
(m) seek and obtain improved facilities for the enjoyment of the Sport in the Region Area;
(n) undertake and or do all such things or activities which are necessary, incidental or conducive to the advancement of these Purposes; and
(o) establish Playing Areas within the Reg(ion (if required), and modify these from time to time if necessary.