Office Bearers and Committee Nominations
The Eastern Ranges Annual General Meeting is proposed for Monday 27
September 2021. The venue and time of this meeting are yet to be
determined and will be subject to COVID-19 restrictions applying to
indoor gatherings.
If an in-person meeting is not possible, then the AGM will be conducted
In preparing for the AGM, all Board and Committee positions are declared
vacant and nominations for various Board and Committee positions are
being accepted.
A number of ERBR Board Members have previously indicated that they will
not be seeking re-election for the 2021-22 financial year. Specific
positions requiring nominations include Secretary and Four (4) Board
Attached are the required Nomination forms together with a description
of responsibilities. Please ensure that the forms are returned by
Monday 23 August 2020. If there are insufficient nominations received
by this date, any vacant positions can be filled at the AGM.
Any questions concerning the Annual General Meeting or the nomination
process can be directed to the Secretary.
Richard Sanzin
ERBR Secretary